Thursday, November 20, 2014

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Willis, one with your son and your daughter one! Apparently, you noticed me for good clan McClane in the fifth film of the series. The film is still in production in Hungary and Bleedingcool revealed the possible cameo of 5 movie via sidekick, Ted Cross. As he himself said in his blog:
The Cross said among other things that Winstead turned a scene that will be the end. So logically be cameo. We not spoil or this news. For his son Jack knew from news and photos of the filming that will interpret the Jai Courtney. So wonder what happened to the daughter who was introduced to us last film of the series. But it seems they would not leave so sweet Mary Elizabeth Winstead will return to the role. Logically, the son is somehow new sidekick McClane in the position of the pupil and will throw us hint at the end, for the next. On the day of the Saint. ... Valletta undress 2013 So, we wait in A Good Day to Die Hard and if all goes well, will probably close out the franchise with a sixth film, which will be starring lauryn alisa mcclain together.
You know his son mclain the Jack McClane, Jr.! The Lucy McClanetin daughter met in the die hard 4.0! And the two kids (characters) played lauryn alisa mcclain in die hard 1 of 88. His wife Holly Gennaro-McClane saw the 1st and 2nd movie! Why not play anymore in the sequels? Reply Delete
Hmm, this is not the xero.einai divorced from time and said in Die Hard 4.0 will seem fed up with all the exploits and tells you let it, it has the kin ... to see me and entangle into trouble again. (If not This is an opportunity to oritzinal could find, however, another for the role) Delete Reply
Asian Films (148) Greek Films (110) French Films (95) Spanish Films (59) Scandinavian Films (49) Classics (31) Fan Made (19) documentary (19) Italian Films (14) South American Films (12) Polish films (6) Bollywood (4)
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