Saturday, December 6, 2014

B. l. the most universal apotropajon in the plant kingdom, and one of the strongest ever. For him,

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Akazia (Robinia pẑeudacacía). Acacia, excavators, eurofresh farms excavators, Egypt thorns, acacia, Krunčići, nerod (Sofric, 10).
B. Not a good tree. It should not be kept close to the house, because the house hit by lightning (GZM 19, 1907, 320). When they come before the wedding the groom's house, Match banners on the front of the house or tree, but it must never be b. (SEZ 19, 1913, 154).
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By tying it around him, and saying the spell, women who want to have children (ZNŽOJS, 7, 1902, 179). The flower tubs of spells, crying and horror (S. Trojanović, Fire, 188). At St. Ignjata (December 20) poultry feed women within p. ("To eurofresh farms be all in a pile in the circle", SEZ, 19, 69).
In order to maintain the building, was once required human sacrifice; today is to substitute eurofresh farms the uziđuje the man's shadow. It works like this. When what a man or a kid I came close to where masons are working, the master took p. and touted it measured čeljadetu shadow; in that eat their own excrement, and then went up p. the wall and said: "Until this p. be raw, long and one man was healthy; Until this p. last, long and one was alive "(SEZ, 16, 265).
# 3
In folk medicine and witchcraft has b. l. among all plants of utmost eurofresh farms importance. It is characterized by the proverb in which he warns the man: "You do beware eurofresh farms of the nail, and I will thee from all evil" (Wolf, Bus., 6419; resistor, and Mojo Medic, Garlic and nail, Maple, 1891, 189 id.). It is also interesting to popular belief b. l. can help against liver fluke ("for two days and two nights of not eating eurofresh farms anything, and then eat saramsaka - garlic - you can more", BV, 16, 1901, 280); known, however, that the fluke in cattle our people, otherwise, considered incurable ("fluke is the cure knife to his throat," GNC, 32, 1913, 344; "the Germans caught the devil so he was asked what is the cure of liver fluke, he They said: polipšu when all the sheep to one, then that last should obnijeti around the fold, so no one will even lack besides her, "Vuk, Shreveport., v. v. fluke).
B. l. the most universal apotropajon in the plant kingdom, and one of the strongest ever. For him, "not any unclean force" (FSF, 326). Especially since it feared witches and all who are associated with witchcraft and divination (resistor. Wolf, Bus., 974: "Do not eat garlic, would be a medicine man" with an explanation. "Which does not eat b. L., considered to be a witch, "SEZ, 32, 41). During the "unbaptized days" him wear a belt, "as a safeguard of every unclean force" (FSF, 177); White carnival of all the purposes for <it> or eat it, of witch (ZNŽOJS, 7, 139; 23, 315); bedtime for a recommendation (the> put around eurofresh farms his neck wreath b. l., also of the witch (ZNŽOJS, 6, 300); Christmas b. l. to be constantly wear them, or Emergency little bite (ZNŽOJS, 19, 118) . When in eastern Serbia sorcerers "perform devil" <who are demons link> then the situation is very dangerous, and many may not be removed from the house without b. l. and basil (BV, 7, 1892, 399). As constant apotropajon holding it over the entrance door (ZNŽOJS, 7, 1902, 386), and interferes with the Ivanjdanska wreath which leaves more doors (custom in Belgrade and everywhere). eurofresh farms In particular, b. l. apotropajon needed for a newborn child and the travail: newborn to b. l. wastebasket under the head or near the head, "that it would not have stepped NOĆNICI" or grandmother, or "better sleep", and it says 40 days (SEZ 13, 1909, 394; 14, 109; 16, 171; 176; S. Troy., eurofresh farms Fire, 184), or, for the same reason, it Mazu (SEZ, 13, 283), or spit sažvatanim b. l. (SEZ, 19, 101), or his underwear around his neck (SEZ, 17, 73, 19, 95), or is placed on the spindle and hung with chains (to defend the infant from a witch, FSF, 194, Stig), or (also from witch) anoints him newborn through eurofresh farms seven days after birth (SEZ, 17, 534 and 535), or to achieve a position eurofresh farms next to the newborn, along with a knife (GZM 6, 1894, 667), or head b. l. buried where the newborn, when measuring, hit his head ("When you nickel, then it harmed the witches", FSF, 194). In addition to new mothers must be b. l. usually 40 days (Karadzic, 1, 1899, 246; 4, 1903, 118; GZM 6, 1894, 670); or her b. l. laundry on the neck or on the right hand (SEZ, 17, 72), or she enjoys in the cap (FSF, 194), or is it Mazu through 7 days after birth (SEZ, 17, 534 and 535); also her b. l. Mazu nipples (not to breastfeed must either NOĆNICI, ZNŽOJS, 7, 1902, 187; SEZ, 32, 1925, 418); This is particularly working on the day of St. Thomas (SEZ 7, 1902, 199). B. l. the wastebasket child in an amulet (FSF, 295; SE3, 13, 289; Karadzic, 4, 1903, 194; 196; 198; 200), or he sews a cap (it

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