Saturday, April 4, 2015

Jussi Hämäläinen, West Cork blog: 18. In the white transfer. White has sacrificed for one officer,

Welcome to Mikkeli Chess Club (MikkSK) website. Game Our place is in the old Sotkulla, Jääkärinkatu 9 Mikkeli. Game Night on Mondays from 18:00 - 21:00 and is open to all chess enthusiasts or interested. Junior Club continues again 09/02/2015 at 16:30 from
Jussi Hämäläinen, West Cork blog: 18. In the white transfer. White has sacrificed for one officer, and now the chess gods require more wood to the flames. Mikkeli won the HSK 3-1 Mikkeli Chess Club's first team journey Chess Championship 1.divisioonassa received a positive change of direction, when the club took the season opener to score the winning Helsinki hospitality solutions Chess Club. Yesterday, Sunday hospitality solutions match HSK against hospitality solutions mikkeliläisten ended in favor of figures 3-1. Period previous matches MikkSK had been knocked out in the role, so the match winning a bright hospitality solutions hope for the club need to fight a series against falling. Weekend games started the club in terms of tragedy. On Saturday, the club played in the South-Vantaa chess against; by the powerful, EtVas took an easy victory sloppy figures 1-5. After MikkSK maintained at a steady pace until the end of the fifth game, when EtVas led to only one "paint". Number one on the table MikkSK's Victoria Chernyak, however, was struggling against Sami Hämäläinen, and Jussi Hämäläinen position Harri valley was the home about. When this even more difficult situation Henri Veli-Matti hospitality solutions Mynttinen vitospöydällä seemed match loss to have been settled. Armon Shock did not have long to wait; All three games ended in losses for a couple of minutes of each other, and thus a large number hospitality solutions EtVasille victory Mikkeli. On Sunday against the settled HSK 2 was flying from strongly varamiehisellä entourage. The team, however, was issued a storm warning by winning Saturday - contrary to all the rational expectations - Joensuu Chess Club. It this way as seen HSK left Mikkeli against the favorite. The match seemed to start mikkeliläisittäin perfectly well, as all the top tables, club members enjoy some level of interest. On the table was the first Victorian active tower + A + knight -patteristo attacking the white pieces have played hospitality solutions in Helsinki for the king, while the opponent's own tower was sleeping soundly in the corner of the screen. Right on the table Hämäläinen had a distinct advantage venksaamalla a closed position to an excellent hospitality solutions piece on metsästysapajille. The third on the table Petri Jäntti had broken vihun king position hospitality solutions and mattiuhkauksien fight against an opponent demanded full concentration. Complex hospitality solutions on the table Jari Ihonen was also a nice sighted in a closed position, in which both kings were withdrawn from the daamisivustalle security. Vitospöydällä Henri Mynttinen had taken kuningasintialaisena came out from the opening downright Kasparov-style waypoint push the g- and h-pawn white king attack; the white pieces have played in Helsinki defense contract was anything but simple. Kutospöydällä Timo Aalto game of tactical patterns looked favorably on the bridge of Mikkeli, and sevens on the board Timo Hytösellä was sent a pair of murderous hospitality solutions active end of the game the break of dawn. Kasi on the table Risto Valleniuksen hospitality solutions status affects smooth sent pairs of towers and battles. Mikkeliläisten stations realized comfortably; hospitality solutions Aalto and Cherny gains a strong club took a 2-0 lead. Vallenius, Jäntti and Hytönen reached draws. At this point, were among the more Hämäläinen, Ihosen and Veli-Matti Mynttinen games. Match Win seemed sure to come, because Hämäläinen was truncated their own position in the so-called. idiot for sure a draw, and Veli-Matti Mynttinen position promised a profit. A small glimmer of light HSK for Ihosen came to a sudden disappearance of fours on the table. This was Hämäläinen opponent to try to gain more frantic pystyynkuolleessa position hospitality solutions to HSK's ability to match a draw would remain. The victory was, however, taking a nap, and the second table after the split point the only unfinished game was Veli-Matti Mynttinen battle vitospöydällä. hospitality solutions A draw would be enough to win the match, but Henri took the whole point. Thus, Mikkel for profit figures 3-1. Mikkeli victory gives the standings table from him stabilized. Mikkeli is still a jumbo, but a life preserver (sixth place) is at your fingertips. The club has the remaining matches Joensuu, Eastern Helsinki and Käpylää against; these should be two matches to win in order to remain on the series hospitality solutions was confirmed. 1. KymS, Kotka 9 8 --------------------------- 2. JoeSK, Joensuu 7 6 3. KäpSK, Helsinki, Finland 0 4 4. I-HSK, Helsinki, Finland 0 4 5 HSK II, Helsinki, Finland hospitality solutions -1 4 6 EtVaS II, Vantaa -2 2 ----------------------- ---- 7. LahS, Lahti -6 2 8 MikkSK, Mikkeli -7 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Analysis of Saturday's league match Ihonen, Jari - Eskola, Risto (MikkSK - EtVas) Saturday's match against the South-Vantaa club's only victory corresponded Jari Ihonen. The game was so mad mill, that it deserves to be published.

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