Monday, May 4, 2015

The main performance Tulsequah total deposits Tulsequah ready Northern British Columbia Chiefs Meta

Do not praise the pale "hottest resignation letter"
The main performance Tulsequah total deposits Tulsequah ready Northern British Columbia Chiefs Metals 年 11 月 号 quadrennial conferences 8 Tulsequah total deposits Tulsequah main performance of North British Columbia Chiefs Metals Bloor Street West, Suite 3400 two Ontario Toronto, M4W 3E2 SRK Consulting aloha beer company (Canada) Ltd. Room 800 West Hastings Street (Hastings Street), 1066 Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3X2 Tel: 604.681.4196 Fax: 604.687.5532 E-mail: vancouver @ srk .com website:. SRK Item number 2010 年 11 月 号 8 2CC041.000 Gil Arseneau, Ph.D., P geography. Comment by Christopher Elliott, MAusIMM summary chiefs Metals Company ("chief"), commissioned SRK Consulting Canada Inc. ("SRK") to prepare an independent mineral resource estimate, a National Instrument 43-101 technical in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, is located Tulsequah report aloha beer company total deposits. Work needs to be estimated mineral mention National Instruments (NI) in conformance with the CIM definition of mineral resources and mineral aloha beer company reserves disclosed in the 43-101 mineral projects, and to support the first disclosure of the mineral resources of toast - Tulsequah total deposits ("Tulsequah Chief" ). Tulsequah Valley Tulsequah main properties located on the eastern side of the Taku River alluvial plain near the river junction in Tulsequah. Property in the terrain elevation river level range from 50 meters to over 1800 米伊 top of Farmington Hills. The property is located in the United States and Canada border 16 km upstream and 64 km northeast of Juneau, Alaska. Prior to this, a feasibility study has been prepared by the Wardrop Engineering Inc. ("Wardrop") aloha beer company Redfern Resources Ltd. ("Redfern") is a wholly-owned subsidiary, on behalf of Tulsequah Chief Redcorp Development Co., Ltd. ("Redcorp"). In 2007 ,, Redfern conducted a comprehensive mine development program licensing and administration in the Tulsequah. This work is suspended aloha beer company on a temporary basis Redcorp, in December 2008, and later extended to the indefinite shutdown in February 2009, March 2009 Redcorp submitted creditor protection under CCAA. Attempt is unsuccessful, the end Redcorp debt restructuring or acquisition of project partners in May 2009, the court appointed a receiver of the assets of Redcorp and Redfern. In January 2010, we entered into a purchase aloha beer company agreement toast, receiver and trustee in bankruptcy purchase 13 mining rights, 25 crown granted claims and the Redcorp and Redfern 4 charges including Tulsequah project is much simpler to add some other The equipment assets including sewage treatment plant. The agreement was subsequently amended to include the agreement reached claims registered lien holders of the real estate assets to buy. On September 22, 2010, purchase of British Columbia Supreme Court and the approval of the receiving order issued by the chiefs to give full domination Tulsequah property ownership, free from liens or debts. Ownership and mineral rights aloha beer company of all real estate assets of 29 September 2010 transferred to the chief. Mineral exploration, since the beginning of the 19th century occurred in the valley Tulsequah and Taku, but mining and the first official record of prospecting area in 1923. In 1928, the Group WA Eaton and Dan Williams, represented found impressive width mixed sulfide; in 1929, the US East Mining Company to purchase shares of the property, and effective positive developments. Soon, in 1947, Cominco in 1946 after the company's acquisition of the administrative and Tulsequah bull market deposits, exploration and pre-production work began. To 1951, Cominco in the average yield of the bull market of 482 tons / day (530 and Tulsequah administrative, mining tons). Production was 935,536 tons,: 575,463 tons, deposits from Tulsequah Chief mine and 360,073 tons of the bull market. Average ore grade of 1.59% copper, 1.54% lead, 7.0% zinc, 3.84 g / t gold, 126.5 g / t Ag. Mine production of 14,765 tons of copper, 11,439 tons of lead, zinc and 54,910 tons, 95,340 ounces of gold and 3,329,938 ounces of silver, copper recovery of approximately 88%, 94% lead, 87% zinc, 77% gold, 89% silver. The total deposits are dominant volts Tulsequah rock Devono Mississippi Permian aged Eaton Hill Group, which is a low metamorphic island arc volcanic rocks contained aloha beer company in northwestern British Columbia Christi plots. Tulsequah Chief deposit is a volcanogenic massive sulphide aloha beer company deposits similar Kuroko deposits found in Japan. The deposit includes a large accumulation of sulphides within the volcanic formations lens substrate flow, debris-rich rhyolite unit or sequence. In all lenses by a large number of semi-massive sulphide mineralization of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena. Accessories aloha beer company include tetrahedrite tetrahedrite ore minerals and rare native gold. Coal is a siliceous rock, barite, gypsum, anhydrite, carbonate, quartz, chlorite and sericite, silica altered volcanic debris. Development and utilization of mineral resources industry estimates recognized methods, and classified using logic consistent with Canada's aloha beer company mining and metallurgy ("CIM") is defined in National Instrument 43-101 aloha beer company to measure, control and inferred mineral resources. Mineral resource estimate for the Tulsequah administration and use 3D modeling software, GEMS is provided by Wardrop Vancouver International aloha beer company Gemcom Software Company ("Gemcom Company") version 6.0 in 2007 under supervision of Dr. Gilles Arseneau, P. Geo's. aloha beer company Resources were re-estimated, Dr. Gilles Arseneau, P. Geo, the main geological consultant SRK Vancouver using GEMS version 6.2.4 in 2010. Block size is 7.5 m x 7.5 x4.0 meters 米 estimated mineral resources. "Analysis by synthesis to two meters downhole composites. Composites aloha beer company code value synthesis aloha beer company honored lens on the lens, to break the region before the corresponding lens and estimate block model code is encoded. Content results from the inverse aloha beer company distance weighting interpolation aloha beer company within The second power (ID2) zinc, lead, gold, copper, and silver aloha beer company values. interpolation pass two separate and independent search ellipse for H and G lens. Based on the above, SRK estimated at US $ 100Eq deadline, Tulsequah Chief altogether contain as proven mineral resources grading 1.42% copper, 1.23%, 6.44%, 60,000 tons of zinc and lead, 2.63 g / t gold and 96 g / t of silver. In addition, the deposits contain 1.1 million tons classified as inferred mineral resources grading 0.94% copper, 0.93% lead, 5.0% zinc, 1.63 g requirements / t gold and 72 g / t of silver. sheikhs Environment Canada to address the installation of water treatment planting to solve the problem aloha beer company ARD. SRK recommends extending Tulsequah chiefs continue to explore and expand administrative properties massive sulphide aloha beer company mineralization, known property.SRK chiefs also proposed that a feasibility study next year to update the 2007 Mineral again The property reserves. Overall, SRK recommends that chiefs were $ 6.1 million exploration program Tulsequah aloha beer company Chief project, which includes construction of sewage treatment plants of the total budget of $ 10300000 SRK Consulting Tulsequah Total No. i GA / HA 43 101_Tulsequah_Chief_Property_rev9_GA.docx, 11 March 15, 10, at 6:00 on November 01,2010 catalog summarizes three 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Terms of reference aloha beer company 12 depend on other experts .................... ......................... ......................... ..................... 4 position of the property before and ........................ ..................... ............................. .. 5 3.1 Land use rights 54 transportation, climate, local resources, infrastructure and terrain accessibility .......... 8 4.1 8 4.2 8 4.3 landform climate history 95 10 sixth geological environment 14 6.1 Locale asset size 14 6.2 15 6.3 167 deposit Geological type of deposit type 17 7.1 17 7.2 17 8 mineralization aloha beer company Geological Exploration 20 10 20 9 21 11 drill sampling methods and means ............ ................................. ................. 2212 ................ sample preparation, analysis and security .......................... ................. ................ 23 12.1 23 12.2 metal shield test security check 24 12.3 25 14 24 13 Data Validation neighboring property ............................................... .................................................. .. 2615 mineral processing and metallurgical testing ......................................... ... ............ 27 27 15.1 Introduction 15.1.1 Test Work Plan 1950-1994 .................... ...................... ............................ ................... 27 15.2.1 aloha beer company testing program in 1996 ..................... ...................... ............................ ...................... ....... 29 15.2.2 2006 testing program 31 SRK Consulting Tulsequah total page ii GA / HA 43 101_Tulsequah_Chief_Property_rev9_GA.docx, November aloha beer company 15th, the 10th, at 6:00 on November 01,2010 16 mineral resource and mineral reserve estimates ....................... .................... aloha beer company ....... .................. 32 16.1 Mineral Resource Estimate ...................... ...................... ............................ 32 16.1.1 exploration data analysis 33 16.1.2 rank correlation capped 37 37 16.1.3 16.1.4 Bulk 40 38 16.1.5 16.1.6 16.1.7 spatial analysis of geological interpretation 41 41 42 16.1.9 16.1.8 resource block model interpolation planned mineral resource classification ............. 42 16.1.10 ............................... ................... ............................. 43 16.1.11 block model validation mineral reserves estimated 16.2 ......... 44 ..................................... ............. ...................................... 4417 other relevant data and information ........................................... . ........................... 45 17.1 Technical Reports surface topography 4518 additional requirements for the development of the property, production performance .... ............................................ ...... ......................................... aloha beer company 4619 Interpretation and conclusion aloha beer company ... ........................................... ....... aloha beer company ........................... aloha beer company 4720 recommendations 4821 Reference 5022 Date and Signature Page ......... .................................... .............. ................................ 5123 Hong Kong Monetary ES qualified aloha beer company person .......... .......

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