Sunday, April 20, 2014


Recall the recent history: in September 2012th former representative of Mercedes, t Euroline business companies, went bankrupt. Taking care of all the then and future, mostly higly clients are operationally took two most powerful retailer, Automotive and Auto Škojo hyperlipidemia, which are then joined Jolly Autoline. However, it was clear that this was only an interim solution, while shocked by the principal company in Stuttgart, decides what to do next. And after more than a year, during which the Audi and BMW as the biggest rivals moved forward by the number of copies sold (since October 2012. Till November 2013th
Audi sold 1,031 car, the BMW 783 and Mercedes only 445), in Germany's final decision, on which it does quietly and previously speculated: from early December supermarket chains silver star in Croatia will represent the company Star Import. This is a newly formed company within the Swiss holding company Emil Frey AG, one of Europe's most experienced companies in the business of representation, supermarket chains sales and servicing of vehicles, new and used. This deals with more than 1924th! Today he works with as many as 27 manufacturers, and apart from the domicile Switzerland, the job is widely branched in Germany, France, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Serbia. Star Import already recently moved into the empty spaces of the former Euroline (Kovinska supermarket chains 5, Zagreb Jankomir), whose ground in the spring of 2014. Start with our own retail, also through a newly formed company Emil Frey Autocentar and then servicing vehicles.
The newly appointed director of Star Import, Swiss Heinz Schneiter, a manager with 23 years of experience in this business, supermarket chains has announced the considerable ambitions: already the 2014th outlined in the sales of passenger Mercedes 750, 210 and 125 trucks vans and greatest hope lay in GLA, new C-Class and the new Sprinter. All the sales are coming in the spring of 2014. Offer will be all that is offered and Euroline: Smart models, and all of a delivery truck and programs, as well as buses. Emil Frey Autocentar will subsequently offer used cars and all other Mercedes vehicles, as used by other manufacturers are not yet planned.
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