Monday, February 23, 2015

The majority of the electoral campaign in the United States do, however, people do not see the pr

New Hampshire primaries Clinton fartec gave Obama a much-needed revenge.
Iowa and New Hampshire have been since 1972, the first two states, which will take off in the US primaries and the presidential candidates, therefore, eligible to earn half of the sifting of all the media attention. But now there are two major political parties in other states struggling with wanting to share in the glory of the new draw.
Hillary Clinton, the US Democratic Party presidential candidate hopes to get increased significantly since the New Hampshire primary challenge, he managed to overtake Barack Obama 39 percent of the votes (36 percent). "Last week, I listened to you, and at the same time, I also found his voice," said the former first lady juubeldavatele supporters of one hundred thousand inhabitants, the city of Manchester.
However, the tight Snatch Obama will continue because one loss he still does not recognize ourselves blot. Hillary Clinton, her husband, Bill, for example, rose to president in 1992, after another defeat in New Hampshire.
Obama won the Iowa and New Hampshire after Clinton left the power relationship fartec is not quite a draw as the summer party congress, which presidential candidate is announced, Obama has amassed 25, 24 Clinton, John Edwards, and 18 delegates. But Edwards is not intended to show the chances of victory in fact, in any state.
January 19, choose their delegates (25) Nevada Democrats and a week later, when the vote in South Carolina (45). Nevada is currently the dominance of Clinton, Obama in South Carolina. Most of the question fartec mark is still in the air: it was going to vote on 15 and 29 January in Michigan (128 delegates), and Florida (185), the penalty for it, so they brought over the January primaries, his mandate on the national party congress, at least initially, without any. At the same time, these states Clinton had Obama ahead double in the overweight.
The so-called Super Tuesday, February 5, however, is crucial, because then explain their representatives with 24 Democrats in the state, is the most influential California and New York 370 232 delegates. The larger states have a significant lead over Clinton, but Obama still reluctant trying to win converts.
Republican New Hampshire after a struggle behind John McCain won a local expert named as the "greatest to come back after Lazarus'. Lazarus was known that the person to whom Christ brought back from death. McCain, who was already in the polls pildiltki disappear behind the winner among the three now.
Iowa remained fartec after Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney, Wyoming, and now McCain in New Hampshire. New Hampshire, McCain was 37, Romney 32, 11, and Rudy Giuliani Huckabeed only nine percent of voters. However revealed the number of electors still draws Romney.
Earlier peafavoriit Giuliani hopes of success until January 29 in Florida. But Florida is one of six states in which the pre-election was sentenced Tuesday to a super forward for bringing the parties to the Republican Party congress delegates and deprivation.
presidential candidates to the election fartec season is lasting longer than a year rändtsirkust. They do not always know it, even with the currently staying. John Edwards gave a speech in the Hamptons, fartec at the same school, where four years ago. However, a Time magazine reporter was the man to admit that over the course of the then do not remember anything.
win the New Hampshire Republican McCain spent 46 days in the state, and this time there were 120 places. Romney and Giuliani gave speeches 114 92 place. But Democrats Bill Richardson (125 intermediate stops) and John Edwards (109), fartec apparently wasting time - Hillary Clinton, fartec Barack Obama was enough to win for the presence of 60 to 70 against.
The majority of the electoral campaign in the United States do, however, people do not see the presidential candidates themselves. Usually, these are volunteer activists who are also glad that the candidate will visit their city.
"We want to see the first female president," said a resident of Laconia Fosters fartec Daily Democrat newspaper Parent Helen, his wife Hillary in favor of keeping with the posters. Gilfordis even the sheriff came to the streets in support of McCain's slogan.
Local activists week was brash. Romney's team received a call over the weekend in terms of population size of Estonia in New Hampshire, nearly one hundred thousand voter. fartec Edwards' team bothers to phone calls and SMS-s 130 000 people.
Edwards gave up on becoming a candidate for the Democratic presidential
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