Saturday, December 7, 2013

blaze-ma wrote: --------------------------------------------- ----------

In the free newsletter affiliated foods e-mail: your e-mail newsletter Nen even peaks vzdln, or genius, you have made the rich richer. They ple, courage, fair and consciously sebevzdlvn actually jedinenosti.
M nkdo reln zkuenosti with OptionStation from TradeStation? Zajmlo should porovnn with thinkorswim - analytickch nstroj quality, data quality, etc. - Personal zkuenost. Due to nemonosti otevt et at thinkorswim for echoes the zaznla as an alternative InteractiveBrokers. Pid nkdo personally zkuenosti from dalch broker platform comparable to thinkorswim?
de good, it will be snai vm's some out of print, poprpade Poveda as it works for MNA, TOS (thinkorswim): Take TOS mm charges $ 1.25 for 1 ie options for Condor Plate $ 5 vainov their nechvam expirova out ie not pay any fees, but again it was close dalch $ 5, u NONE TOS do not apply to fees for d The charges do not apply to modify affiliated foods or cancel prkazu, ie fees with all inclusive. IB (Interactive Brokers): Do not trade stock options Kedem IB fees vm nepoviem exactly, but I know there is e to move to the $ 1 ben zkaznci for the option that is $ 4 for condor, affiliated foods again KED Let them expirova Do not pay it, moreover, but if their was necessary to close the so gave it 4 u $ + IB is paid kad cancel and modify prkaz which is sent on a stock exchange thus $ 0.12 dolrov for prkaz + u IB also apply to the DTA, some markets maj righted so it Plati e need not somehow affiliated foods Pokie Fix the volume penaz in their favor, thus $ 30 to comisiach. Personally mm both brokerov, kadhi to nieo in, but if you choose mm broker on the stock options to a particular TOS even to the time the dnenej they ned holes acc.
to mis: me beginner experience is that in the TOS you are done looking and prepare (specifically by delta, find the value of put and call option on in delta) and then given a spread type something in IB. Experience so far has (with Condor 1) of the bill for the condor USD4 (there is a fee = 0.7, minimum is 1 USD), when I sent the command and changed the limit value, so do not charge anything for it. Because of positional options do business and are "slow", so I really do not mind that it takes me a minute to Natuk - select affiliated foods which option etc., load et al. I takes much much longer ... Unless, whereupon a little affiliated foods think about it, it is in the TOS I have 20 minutes delayed data ... so he says he's also not mind, holt it's like I came 20 minutes later ... That is my experience. Pete
Also nemmz problem with Open live here with TOS joy. They wrote me e kvli njakmpedpism it - not written, whether on their sides or R. But pijde strange to me, my e polka and we Ateba British and Maai not. A pr Change in 2010 probably will not. Also look for an alternative - I tried IB, but I want options on futures (commodities) atch much nenabzej, Saxo m only options affiliated foods on forex and pry it up to blzk Act ln prices. dn bezpenj condor there udlat Sun. Then the pr broker who nabzej only option for shares, but do not want it. I Zkouel i PFG, but the demo option was too nezvldnul. Take mlnkdo if you tip the broker affiliated foods for options on commodities, so I really POME. Thanks
to: blaze-ma I personally think that those who work with us for TOS communicate regarding the opening of accounts from CR also not got no precise information which could be made available again opening of accounts of Cr because I nemi communicated several affiliated foods times and some claim that it is only temporarily, and others of it's permanent.
Taipei Hello to blaze-ma: And how commodity you want to trade options? Nesta Vm option to pslun ETF? Nap. for gold ticker GLD, SLV for stbro, oil, USO, ... If you chtt traded futures togeth + option, then it may be necessary to mtk PMO options available to pslunou commodity, affiliated foods but - as I understood from Vaeho psp VK The (darkened Do not change dn et) - for plugs (about) fully posted on pslun ETF options. As an alternative to mono for IB (TOS) is on the delivery Check or Sincerely KBTM
Thanks for the advice. Check it out. But it looks darkened, EIU Tradestation will ventilate to problems: Exceptions For the Following European countries, please use the U.S. numbers: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Iceland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Slovakia and Slovenia.
blaze-ma wrote: --------------------------------------------- ----------> affiliated foods ... options on ETFs are een, but prmie are compared opcmpmo commodity nkolikrt her. That's fine, aspo ztrty will nkolikrt ni ... ----------- Frantiek Neeta npady, ette nklady
Re: Broker for options
M nkdo reln zkuenosti with e-Option? Data quality, etc. - Personal zkuenost. ($ 3 per option trade and $ 0.1 per option contract) Zrove prosmo real zkuenosti with OptionStation from TradeStation. mis
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