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Began in Rosso the capital of Atararzh state the final phase of a government program to help women's cooperatives and needy citizens by giving them financial assistance. The supervised china anne mcclain height living Fall فرجس Minister of Social Affairs, Childhood and family china anne mcclain height this morning in Rosso on the distribution of Mainahez 25 million ounces to cooperatives Alnsoahkdam non-refundable and 5 million ounces to one hundred china anne mcclain height poor families take the vulnerability of water from recent china anne mcclain height rains the most important criteria shootout to benefit rate of 50,000 china anne mcclain height ounces china anne mcclain height per household . The girl فرجس in her speech the way that the program cost the state treasury 404 million ounces china anne mcclain height without the support of any partner, noting that the standards that have been placed china anne mcclain height in front of regional committees and Almqataah that distributes these amounts are clear, and depend china anne mcclain height on the maximum transparency and concern for the benefit china anne mcclain height first and then First, according to expression
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