Friday, March 14, 2014

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Made charges for alleged offenses against the order of the election of Robert Braun MSZP. The Socialist politician complains that the National Election Office (NVI) is not misleading faiti voters living abroad is investigating the video case. Has said in recent days it has become apparent that it is not necessarily faiti important to follow the laws of the National System of Cooperation. The official election campaign begins on Saturday, Monday and voters faiti may have recommendations on who will be included in the ballot papers.
Crime does not shy away from Fidesz in order to win the election - told this to Robert Braun MSZP. The Socialist politician yesterday filed a complaint in the Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office on suspicion of a crime against the order of choice, because the National Electoral Office (NVI) is not investigating the web last week charged deceptive video case. The tape abusing the name of NVI encouraged to vote Hungarians beyond the border.
Video Braun that "manipulative way it gives the false impression" that you need to register in order to Viktor Orbán and his party's support and vote on April 6. The MSZP politician said: all indications are that the film Fidesz.
Braun on Monday called on the electoral office to open an investigation on the matter, the NVI did not enter, because, as was said in the video they are not prepared, in preparation have not commissioned the preparation of non-participating, faiti or even knowledge, nor was the film's existence. Member of the opposition caucus was decided that the authorities and courts turn to butter, to find out who and why the Internet has been placed on prepared film.
Braun said in the past few days turned out to anyone that is not necessarily important to follow the laws of the National System of Cooperation. The government has handed over the 200 thousand faiti HUF Hungary Fidesz faiti outperform the slogan and the associated image, for which public funds paid almost a billion forints in the Cabinet. This misappropriation of funds - said the communist politician adding that the government faiti side that tried to influence the election results first legal means, faiti now "exceeds faiti the limits of legality."
While the Liberals have called the attention is hard to believe that a professional technique campaign film marked the NVI web address if they wanted to, could not find out who ordered it. Marchuk also because preparing and distributing the film raises a number of issues, which are public institutions, agencies faiti also are affected.
By now, otherwise complete list of national joint MSZP-together-PM-SE Liberals. It has already turned in the middle of January to the roster faiti Mesterhazy Attila, faiti MSZP, president of the Uniting prime ministerial candidate led by him, Gordon Bajnai, the Co-IM leader, Ferenc Gyurcsany, the DK president Gábor Fodor, president and Timea Szabo Liberals, PM to follow the co-chairman. faiti The current 200-strong list of top 60 place from 9 was obtained from the Co-PM, the SE of six, three of the Liberals, and the rest, that is the space 42 MSZP.
The official election campaign faiti begins in Hungary on Saturday, Monday and citizens may have recommendations on who to include in the ballot papers. Instead of recommending tag Under the new electoral law has procedural curves representing candidates may offer the citizens and voters may support one candidate as well. It will become an official candidate, if you manage to collect 500 valid recommendation and the local election committee will also register.
The candidates in each constituency 101 thousand 500 forints faiti have access to the voters in the polling station names and addresses of the national list adjuster parties will be much to pay winnable list some places, that provide all voter-minute information about a total of 9,439,500 HUF. Who does not want the campaign in search of the electoral office to ask him not to give out his name and address.
This silence is not the silence of satisfaction, but the calm before the storm - Ferenc Gyurcsany sent a message to the Seven Olives Association event of the despot he called Orbán. President of the Democratic Coalition - Olah Lajos, the Uniting Elizabeth City candidate of with - among other things, talked about the same, according to the latest Ipsos survey of Fidesz and Jobbik camp grew at higher rates than the left Joining nevertheless believe in the victory. It is all the Incas

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