Monday, March 17, 2014

Twitter via @dongatory When Flap Flap first went live, Nguyen scored 44 points. That's why the plati

Dong Nguyen created Flappy Bird then suddenly people of market basket shut it down. Flappy Bird, the latest mobile craze, launched less than one year ago. At its peak, it was generating about $50,000 per day . It was run by one man, Dong Nguyen, an indie game developer in Vietnam.
If you've never played, Flappy Bird is simple: You tap your smart phone's screen to keep the bird afloat, and you steer him through a maze of pipes. Each pipe you successfully pass through gives you one point. If you hit a pipe, you die. The bird is very hard to navigate, so the game is frustrating to many players.
Over the weekend, Nguyen suddenly announced that he'd be shutting the game down. It's no longer available for download in the App or Google Play Store. iPhone users who have already downloaded people of market basket it are trying to sell their devices on eBay.
You can interpret a lot from Nguyen's ~ 1,000 tweets . We sifted through them so you don't have to. Here's people of market basket the rise and fall of mobile craze, Flappy Bird. Nguyen woke up one morning last April inspired. He set out to create a few games. Flappy Bird was one of them.
Twitter via @dongatory When Flap Flap first went live, Nguyen scored 44 points. That's why the platinum badge in Flappy Bird is achieved when a player scores 40. Then players are achieving (and beating) Nguyen's people of market basket original score.
Twitter via @dongatory Flappy Bird started picking up steam just before Christmas, when players started turning it into a meme. A lot of people wrote funny reviews of the app, and they started tweeting around photos of extreme frustration after the statement, "Flappy Bird got me like..."
Twitter via @dongatory But soon, the game became people of market basket too much for Nguyen.  Players found out he was the creator and started tweeting aggressively at him. Nguyen tried to answer everyone calmly at first.
Twitter via @dongatory Nguyen grew to hate his own game because his success ruined his simple life. He also doesn't like the way people are "overusing" people of market basket his game and taking all the fun out of it.
Twitter via @dongatory On February 8, Nguyen made up his mind: he was going to shut down the app. This weekend, the game disappeared from the App Store. Nguyen hasn't tweeted since. But don't worry, he says Flappy Bird isn't the last game we'll see from him.
The Life And Sudden Death Of 'Flappy Bird': How A Guy Making $50,000 Per Day Grew To 'Hate' His Own Game The Life And Sudden Death Of 'Flappy Bird': How A Guy Making people of market basket $50,000 Per Day Grew To 'Hate' His Own Game
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