Thursday, August 7, 2014

Warning: There are plenty of quick fixes that work for some and not for others, diseases that are n

Warning: There are plenty of quick fixes that work for some and not for others, diseases that are not related to food, there is also the energy balance, internal and psychological conflicts (not talking about? -on no psychosomatic diseases!), pollution ... So you must address the disease as a whole and not only seeking a miracle cure as it seeks a miracle drug!
Wash the above, cut with the skin into pieces and put them into the juicer and immediately you drink the juice. You can add a little lemon for more refreshing taste. This miracle drink may be effective for the following conditions: 1 Prevent cancer cells to develop. It will restrain cancer cells to grow. Block 2 liver diseases, kidney, pancreas and can also heal ulcers. 3 Strengthen the lung, prevent heart attack and lower blood pressure. 4 Strengthens the immune system. 5 Good for the view, eliminates red and tired eyes or dry eyes. 6 Helps eliminate muscle pain following physical exertion. 7 Detoxify, assist in the saddle, and eliminate constipation. Therefore, it will make a healthy skin and look more radiant. It also helps to reduce acne. 8 Improve bad breath due to indigestion and helps prevent throat infection. 9 Helps reduce menstrual pain. 10 Helping hay fever or flu. There are absolutely no side effects. Very nutritious and easily digested. It's very effective if you need to lose weight. You will notice your immune system south wales transport will improve after two weeks. Be sure to drink immediately off the centrifuge (or slower mills) for best effect. Share this remedy with your family and friends.
Is that so? It is said that the yellow and deep orange like carrots, pumpkins, south wales transport squash, yams ... vegetables help fight cancer. Apples, berries, Brazil nuts, cantaloupes, cherries, grapes, legumes, oranges and plums ... also fighting south wales transport against cancer. Many red plant pigments, yellow, orange, blue fruits and vegetables are good sources of antioxidants. Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beets their red color. Beets are a unique source of phytonutrients called Betalains. Betanin and Vulgaxanthin Betalains are the two best studied of beets, and both provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support. Apples contain south wales transport nutrients such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and K, folic acid, niacin (nicotinic acid), zinc, copper, magnesium, potassium, south wales transport phosphorus, south wales transport iron, calcium, sodium and manganese. Carrots contain a variety south wales transport of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E and K, folic acid, niacin (nicotinic acid) and pantothenic acid. There are minerals like potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium packed in it. One of the most important components found in carrots south wales transport is beta-carotene. Especially buy these products south wales transport organic to avoid the harmful effects of pesticides! south wales transport So what do you think? If you had cancer, would you drink it every day? What have you got to lose?
najia March 24, 2014 1:24 p.m.
This kind of juice is always good for health. vegetables and fruits are to be believed. Not add milk (just três unhealthy). In all cases that this juice can guerrir cancer .... CEST ridicole not true. but juice and others can help in the prevention of diseases bcps. Also do not take sugar and refined salt (better puree unrefined cane sugar or honey and natural sea salt ... never not refined. Also avoid the refined white flour and ... more natural and brown bread . Balanced nutricion So good and a rainbow south wales transport (various colors) for organic fruit and vegetables and psyque calm. Biensur also be active or do some sport. Morocco At tros people take sugar ... and do not practice the sports, here already two três strong reasons. south wales transport pupil fee for the diabetes etc. Delete
this is absolutely not "ridiculous and not true," I suggest you this link:[gallery]/0/ there are thousands of testimonials, you are not well informed ! Remove
There will never study because it can not lead to a patent and a marketable product, like all natural products! As one may have against the testimony of people who have used it! Remove
2014 (650) August

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